Thursday, January 29, 2009

the strip

So I had my first official tourist outing in Las Vegas. Last night we went to the strip and I had so much fun. The casinos are crazy! They put so much crazy stuff in there to attract tourists, but hey, it seems to be working pretty well. The DTS has been going great this week. We have our first assigned book to read and its so great that I'm already half way through it. This is amazing because unless its harry potter, I really don't do too much reading these days. Everyone on my dts is super nice and the staff is great. Please keep praying for me and the rest of us on my dts, and I hope you liked the pictures!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

so, I'm here.

So my flight went well and I made it to the base safe and sound. Unfortunately, I couldnt find my camera cord while I was packing so it will probably be a while before I can post any pictures. Although, since I've only been here for half a day, its not really a problem yet. Today I've just been unpacking and getting settled in my new home (in the ghetto). We had a bbq to get to know everyone better, and that was fun. I also went to Ross and bought a blanket. Tomorrow we officially start our dts. Hopefully I will have more interesting things to write about in the rest of my blogs...

Friday, January 2, 2009

numero uno

So this whole blogging thing is kind of new to me, but I'm gonna give it my best shot. So yesterday I got FANTASTIC news that I got accepted to the winter DTS at the Las Vegas YWAM base. I will be leaving the 25th of January and will be coming back in mid June. For those of you that aren't familiar with YWAM (youth with a mission), I will explain what this means. A DTS (discipleship training school) is six months long. The first three months is the lecture phase, which will be spent at the base in las vegas. During this time we will study the bible, and hear speakers, and just gain a better understanding of God and our faith. The last three months is the outreach phase, which is spent evangelizing and spreading the word of God. Our group will be doing our outreach in Turkey. I am extremely excited for this amazing opportunity that God has plopped in my lap. I can't wait to test myself, to grow, to become even more indepent, to travel, to love my neighbors, and of course, love jesus. I hope to keep you all updated through this blog, so hopefully I'll have lots of time to write amazing entries. If not, I apologize in advance and I promise to do my best!

Please, keep me in your prayers. Firstly, pray that God will provide the funds for me to pay for the outreach phase of my trip which is going to be roughly $3,000. Pray that God will speak to me and show me the direction he has for my life. Pray that I will make lots of friends with the other people that are going on the DTS so that we can all grow in christ together as a community. And pray thank you to God for this amazing opportunity!!

If you are able, and would like to make a contribution to my trip, God bless you and shoot me an email, and I will tell you how to make a donation to my trip. This blog is not something I created to try and get your money. I hate asking for money and don't feel comfortable with it at all. But God is already teaching me to be humble by showing me that I can't make this trip happen all by myself. So if you feel God prompting you to donate towards my trip, then please do. If not, then please don't. Your prayers and love are the most important things to me, so please send lots my way!!

My email address: